Time is a donut. Without start or finish. And hidden between the sugar glazing is the professor Yifarasov, sweating like a sausage inside a microwave. The laboratory of the professor is full of huge metal machines and silver antennas, computers going bip bip, noisy steam machines twisting and moving , compressors and decompressors, cold floors and very tiny blinking lights.
It is late but the professor can not go home. He looks at the coordinates on his receptor and changes the channel. The body of the prof is shaking. He tries to have at least some control over his sweaty leg. His leg is the leg of an old man, but he needs strength. The time is running out and the professor is scared.
The professor is scared because he knows that in 3000 thousand years time inside the quadrant X22-33-J1 of the universe, an intergalactic empire of shadow beings will rise. This empire will decide after some discussion to destroy all of humanity in the present time with a giant ray gun. In their cold logic behind their black empty eyes they have decided we should not have existed, and they want to fire a ray that travels back in time and space to kill us all.
The professor knows this as a fact. He also knows that he is the only person that can convince them of not killing us all.
The problem is that due to space-time geometries, the professor can not speak with our future executers directly. The race of monsters that want to destroy us live at a point in space that is geometrically unreachable by the professor. So he can only search through the time-space for others, other beings that agree to convince those that want to destroy us to stop. Somewhere in the universe the professor needs to find a being that feels pity for us and that is willing to save us. He needs someone to pass his message to the people that want to and probably will kill us.
Finding someone in the past is not the biggest problem, the professor has a machine that can travel through time and space. The problem is that the professor can only travel in a very specific way. And that way is with his left foot. That is the only configuration his time space machine can accept. That is the only part of him that can travel through time...
And so, through inhospitable deserts with toxic vapours.. as well as in green blue jungles with slimy three eyed creatures.. it appears peeking out from an invisible window. The little left foot from the professor. Different planets with different gravities. If it is silver mountains or purple skies with orange stars, it does not matter. It is always the same old foot shaking, the background changes, but the foot is the same, only sweatier and sweatier every time.
The horror of the professor consists in try to communicate his speech and arguments only with the feet and without knowing if there is even someone trying to listen on the other side. He does not know if the creature on the other side has eyes, language ears or brain. Regardless the professor tries his best to express what he needs to say only with his foot. he sometimes hits the ground with his foot making something like a morse code. Other times the professor makes a violent dance with his foot, and other times he keeps the foot completely still and only moves the little finger on his foot, very slowly and very calmly. The professor tries to tell the history of humanity all of our virtues and why is it worth saving, only with his left foot.
The day goes by with different codes, different dances, different stories, but always with the same left foot. And so the left foot becomes shakier and shakier and even though the professor has been dead since more than 10 years. His feet continue to appear all through the universe, like a ghost that can't sleep. Saying the same speech with different words. And it appears like it appeared to me. The only person that understood his message. And the person that made some drawings instead of passing his message down. Because some aliens with a ray gun can lick my testicles and because in the end we humans will kill each other alone, without the help of no aliens or big ray gun.
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