martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

you should be careful with the joy,it gets sucked by your eyes,and gives you bad dreams, where would we dream now?


everywhere inside us,is fulled with cheesy sugary feelings, with so sweet vissions for even standing,we feel lost, our mind starts to rotten, where can we hide, joy and pleassure, why did you came to us? we were just fine without you,and you will leave.. you are not kind enough to stay, and let us be , let us be unnaware high in your intoxicated delicuasy

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2007

dia feo

que horrible es no tener nada que decir,tener simples fuerzas y visiones encerradas en un espacio negro,pero ser incapaz de proyectarlas al exterior,es feo siento cuervos encerrados en mi garganta, y mis ojos se sienten pesados
no quiero hacer nada
no hoy
ha sido un dia bastante malo